Health Sphere Wellness Center

Getting referred to Physical Therapy?

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Physician offices can fax your child's order to our office: Fax 423-939-4006

Physical therapists (PTs) work with children and their families to assist each child in reaching their maximum potential to function independently and to promote active participation in home, school, and community environments. Physical therapists use their expertise in movement and apply clinical reasoning through the process of examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and intervention. As primary health care providers, PTs also promote health and wellness as they implement a wide variety of supports for children from infancy through adolescence in collaboration with their families and other medical, educational, developmental, and rehabilitation specialists.

Physical Therapy in the pediatric population promotes independence, increases participation, facilitates motor development and function, improves strength and endurance, enhances learning opportunities, and eases challenges with daily caregiving. Exercises and home programs are incorporated into the day's activities.Neuroplasticity guided execises and activities direct the child's nervous system to increase function and movement.

This may include:

  • Positioning, rolling, crawling, creeping, sit to stand, walk and exercise during daily routines and activities
  • Adapt and design toys for play and improving development
  • Expanding movement in neck, trunk, arms and legs
  • Use equipment effectively like weights, walkers and wheelchairs
  • Facilitate safety for the home
  • Provide information on the child's physical and healthcare needs

Our physical therapists may use multiple therapeutic techniques in practice to provide the following services as part of their plan of care:

  • Neuroplasticity- visual treatments
  • Developmental activities
  • Movement and mobility
  • Strengthening
  • Motor learning
  • Balance and coordination
  • Recreation, play, and leisure
  • Adaptation of daily care activities and routines

Unique to our facility is the ability to enhance development with many gentle exercise techniques. Spasticity reduction is achieved through specific exercises utilizing the neuroplasticity of the nervous system and has reduced the need for most bracing. Advanced therapeutic techniques, also allows us to increase the muscle tone of infants and children with hypotonus and Down syndrome. Through our knowledge of how the brain interprets sensory stimulation and spastic responses, we designed specific exercises and positions to reduce spastic responses and thus increasing the child's voluntary control of their own bodies.

The body's motor development progresses from initially being able to move and coordinate the eyes, head, face, neck, trunk and arms then move the legs, feet and toes. Working with intensive neuroplasticity techniques, our patient population first demonstrated spastic reduction (resistance to movement) occurring in the neck and trunk. This brain/body developmental integration of the sensory-motor system was then followed by the upper extremities (arms) then later by the lower extremities (legs).

When the spasticity is reduced, the child sometimes appeared weak but able to demonstrate active movements. Strengthening exercises are added to increase the voluntary contractions of muscles and active use of arms and legs.

Therapeutic Interventions

  • Equipment design, fabrication, and fitting
  • Tone treatment, reduction and management
  • Use of assistive technology
  • Posture, positioning, and lifting
  • Orthotics and prosthetics (bracing and splinting)
  • Safety, health promotion, and prevention programs

What Role Does the Family Play?

Parents and families have the primary role in their child's development. The PT educates and supports with treatment skills, knowledge and collaborates with the family to promote development and implement an individualized intervention program for the child.

Eligible children may a developmental delay or a medical diagnosis that has a high probability of a developmental delay. It is beneficial to the child for caregivers to observe treatments so they can be done daily-novel practices changes the brain connections and these change function.

Physical Therapy Also Works With Early Intervention Service

Tennessee early intervention services are provided, as necessary, to meet the developmental needs of the child and needs of the child's family related to the family's ability to enhance the child's development.

Infants and toddlers are entitled to early intervention services in natural environments where children live, learn, and play. Health Sphere Wellness Center is able to provide the services in your home, childcare or in our clinic.

The exception to the rule reads "the provision of early intervention services for any infant or toddler with a disability occurs in a setting other than a natural environment that is most appropriate, as determined by the parent and the individualized family service plan team, only when early intervention cannot be achieved satisfactorily for the infant or toddler in a natural environment."

  • Physical therapy may be the only early intervention service a child needs, or it may be part of a coordinated, multidisciplinary program.
  • Physical therapy is provided as part of the child's Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) through a family-centered care philosophy.
  • Physical therapy can support families in promoting their children's development, learning, and participation in family and community life.
  • Physical therapists use their knowledge and skills specifically related to motor and self-care function, assistive technology, and medical/ health care science to provide a unique contribution to the IFSP team.
  • Physical therapists provide service by collaborating with the team, exchanging information with the family, and integrating interventions into everyday routines, activities, and locations.